Interview with Mr. Jacques Boisson |
Short interview with His Excellency Mr. Jacques Boisson, Secretary of State of the Prince of Monaco, and his wife Carmen. Opening Ceremony, Montecarlo, Oct 2nd 2015

¿Why do you think it is important to support chess?
Mr. Jacques Boisson: Chess has a very international dimension and it helps developing the brain and some other abilities. It’s definitely worth supporting.
European Parliament recommends to introduce chess in schools, ¿what do you think about it?
Mr. Jacques Boisson: It’s a very good idea. European Parliament usually deals with a lot of political bureaucracy, it’s nice to see that they also do clever things! Maybe the Chairman is a chess player himself! In Monaco chess is not in the schools yet but we have chess tradition within the family.
Carmen: we shall speak with the head of education and we shall suggest that! Our pupils are now learning Russian in school. Why not chess? It is better to learn it when you are very young.
More than one hundred years ago a string of very strong chess tournaments were held here, at the Casino of Montecarlo, with the best men in the world competing. Now, we have the best woman…
Carmen: it’s good news! Ladies have conquered a lot! |